Command-line options

Call freeplane like this:

freeplane [options] [file1 [file2 ...]]
-h or --helplist available options
-X<menukey>execute menu item with key . Use devtools add-on to find the menu keys
-Sstop after executing menu items
-Nset the 'nonInteractive' system property to 'true'
-U<userdir>set the freeplane user config directory (only since version 1.3.3!!!)

Batch execution of menu items (e.g. scripts) is described in a special wiki article.

Debug start script under Linux

Start Freeplane in debug mode (if you have problems starting):


Environment variables

Select Java installation used to run Freeplane

The following variables are tried in order:

  • JAVA_HOME (not on Windows OS)

For windows, set one of these variables and run freeplane.exe or freeplaneConsole.exe:

FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11-jre

or, under Linux/UNIX:

FREEPLANE_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ ./

Java version

Freeeplane 1.11.x requires Java between Java 11 and Java 21 on Windows and Mac, Java 8 and Java 21 on Linux

Freeeplane 1.10.x requires Java between Java 8 and Java 17.

Freeplane 1.9.x requires Java between Java 8 and Java 15, because Java 16 is not compatible with current Groovy Engine.
Use of Java 16 can be permitted only on Linux by setting variable FREEPLANE_USE_UNSUPPORTED_JAVA_VERSION to 1.


Set Java Properties, e.g. set the freeplane user config directory in Freeplane < 1.3.3:
