How to Start Contributing

Freeplane is developed and maintained by volunteers who want to share their passion and skills with the world. The project was launched by its current lead Dimitry Polivaev in 2007.

You can participate not only as user and community member but maybe as a

  • developer (coder and designer)
  • tester (writer of tutorials, screencasts and help texts)
  • translator (various languages)
  • forum moderator (care for a specific subject)

We're currently looking for contributors for developing the documentation. If you can write simple step-by-step guides, translate existing text into English, transfer text from our old documentation into the new one, then we could use your help. You can start a discussion post (in the docs project) saying you want to contribute to the documentation and the Freeplane team will respond and assist you.

If you have other ways of contributing: developing an addon, sharing your pre-configured mindmap, or suggestions about future development, please feel free to join us in the Discussions

Every contributor or team member freely decides what task they are going to work on. However, for making the best decision regarding development, it's advised that we first propose and suggest the idea to the community through a discussion post as to enable early discussion and community feedback.